Safer Choosing Natural Laxatives to Overcome Constipation
Laxatives or laxatives are usually used to treat constipation or constipation. Most of the laxative medicines on the market contain natural ingredients such as herbs. Aside from drugs, many foods have a laxative effect and can be used to treat bowel movements.
Defecate less than three times a week marks constipation. Because the intestine does not move regularly, the stool tends to become hard and dry making it difficult to remove. As a result, sufferers feel bloated and uncomfortable.
To prevent constipation, the best way is to change your lifestyle, including your daily diet. Increasing fiber consumption and drinking plenty of fluids regularly is the most effective constipation avoidance technique. However, if constipation has already hit, there are some foods and drinks that we can consume to help cure.
It's easy to find herbal laxatives on the market to treat constipation. Most herbal laxatives contain anthroquinone or have a stimulant effect on the intestine. The way laxatives work is to draw fluid into the intestine and increase peristalsis. Peristaltic itself is an intestinal contraction that helps carry feces through the large intestine to the rectum.
Reliable Medicinal Plants Overcoming Defecation
Some herbs commonly used to treat constipation are:- Psyllium.Herba is a laxative with natural fibers that help form feces. Phsyllium is often used for chronic constipation or constipation and can be combined with other laxatives, both natural and synthetic. The reaction can cause allergies, nausea, abdominal pain and vomiting.
- Casacara Sagrada (Buckthorn). This is a famous herbal laxative and is derived from buckthorn bark extract. This extract can trigger bowel movements. Generally used for short periods, although it can cause stomach pain and electrolyte imbalance. While long-term use can cause liver disorders.
- Slippery elm is a sap that stimulates the digestive system's nerves. This herb will trigger mucus production and overcome constipation. The use of this herb with other drugs can reduce absorption if taken together. The effects of long-term use are still being studied.
- Senna, an herb commonly used to treat constipation and cleanse the large intestine before undergoing medical procedures. Long-term use with high doses is reported to cause liver disorders.
- Rhubarb (taro tree trunk) has a laxative and antidiarrheal effect due to its tannin content. This herb can only be used for a short period of time.
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